Check out the new bling on the Dawn Treader!
I actually love going up the mast. And the boys did a great job keeping me safe.
Check out the new bling on the Dawn Treader!
I actually love going up the mast. And the boys did a great job keeping me safe.
In July of last year, we had some friends aboard Dawn Treader for the weekend. In preparation, I filled the water tank for the first time since I’d bought the boat. Soon after, the bilge pump began cycling on and off. Something was obviously leaking. I went to the forward cabin where the water tank was stored and pulled up the inspection port in the floorboards. This revealed the expected drain valve and in-line filter, both of which were fine. But, beneath those, it also revealed a steady stream of water flowing from somewhere under the tank. Crap. Continue reading Water Tank Repair (And More!)
The Mr. Universe of Nav Systems!
So, for a chartplotter, the boat came with a seriously old Hammerhead computer with Windows 97 and some crappy charting software. And there was a super cheesy “navpod” (actually an aluminum project box) at the helm with the horn and AP controls. We could definitely do better. Continue reading Various Projects: Part 2